As I am typing the present message just moments before midnight, I assure you I did not finish today's song on time. I will not, however, have slept until it was done.
As I mentioned yesterpost, I listen to recorded sermons in my headphones a lot. While preparing meals, taking walks, washing the dishes, or any time where I do not need to be actively listening to my environment, I bombard myself with the sounds of people talking about the Bible.
As a fun experiment, each day this week I am going to post the titles of all the sermons I have listened to that day as well as the title of the song I have been writing. Here goes Monday:
"Hell: Isn't the God of Christianity an angry Judge?"
"Lost People Matter to Jesus"
"How Can I Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead?"
"What Is the Ministry and Mission of the Local Church? Foundations from the Pastoral Epistles"
"Gotta Have Some Giggles"
(It's about clowns.)
(It's about clowns.)
Update: That was a lie. I'm going to sleep now. We'll see if I can finish this before I go to work at noon.